Still in Barbigha

Still in Barbigha I understand that I should continue walking barefoot. Nevertheless I got other slippers, a bit softer, only a relativ small size…. but let’s hope this pair is better. Alok gave me a great – again – relaxing time in his home. My next ‚exit Visa‘ is approved until 31.7. (only). With a […]

Feet and heat

I took the chance on my pause day in Bihar Sharif to buy some new flipflops. And the rest took some fruits. My body felt so much better when I woke up next morning. With my new flipflops and a stronger body I walk east out of town. During the way, at midday, I feel, […]

A challenge

I managed the only 12 km the second day. But…. After 3 1/2 month meditating and resting the walk is another story. My mussles and all my walking system is hurting. To carry the backpack… it feels also very heavy. … as I said,  just another story. I even got some blisters at my toes. […]

First day walking again

First way walking after 3 1/2 month was quite fun. But I walked only 12km to adjust myself to the situations. (So today I walked 0,5% of the rest of the way to Myanmar/Yangoon-2.500km) Some people on the road quite friendly. Some a bit afraid. I reached Nalanda. Today I stay in a OYO hotel. […]

First days ‚outside‘

5 days ago I left the ‚protective bubble‘ of the Vipassana center, where I stayed for the last 3 1/2 month. On the way back to Bihar/Rajgir to continue the peace walk. First everything went somehow normal to Indian standards. From a tuktuk to a bus, another bus and a bus to Gorakpur. Already a […]

Start walk after lockdown

Dear Friends. Slowly and now continuously, finally more strongly there is coming a clear energy towards starting to walk again. Lockdown in India has passed. Since 12 days travelling without permission is allowed again. But not all trains are running again. And people partly follow the social distancing rules, but another part does not care […]