Lots of things came together this weekend

Its about the Peacebirdsforsyria  (facebook) project what i initiate here in Turkey since 3 month. Last weekend a lot of things came together or in further motion. Exiting . More then 1000 peace birds are done here. 1000 birds are done in Norway. 500 of them are already here. 1000 more are started in a […]


Hi friends. After some running and travelling here and there. I needed to do an online application for extending the Türkish visa. This is finally today done. Until 20th of December, that’s my appointment at the office, I don’t have to do anything. How great. Relaxation. Blessings Thomas

Plans until February 2017 and after

After staying another 1 or 2 month in Turkey I plan to visit the former project in Armenia (hope to be able to bring some little money especially to one family). This shall be just a 1 or 2 week visit. Then I plan to fly to Jordan. Visiting the former Valley of peace project. […]

Sponsoring – Visa – Plans until February

Everything is guided Every time, when I get a little bit nervous, because of reaching the bottom line in my account soon, like in the moment, there is some money coming from somewhere. I had this situation now already 3 or 4 times. And it always worked out.  A lot of sponsoring is the hospitality […]

peace birds for syria

It’s fun. Lots of peace birds have been given away to all kinds of people around me. Incl lots of Syrians and kids, maybe around 400-500!!!! The mail/parcels from Europe arrive with a delivering delay of 3 weeks, but there are coming. About 400 peace birds from France and Norway have arrived. I know of […]

2 month Antakya

Already two month here. Unbelievable. The time was and is running. So it seems. I finally moved into the Bariş Evili (Friedenshäuschen) in the old town of Antakya. It’s a guest house, where i am allowed to stay. As an exchange I was asked to show presence in the little shop Barbara has here. The […]