Bicycle riding and meditation.

Bicycle riding and meditation.

For my birthday (31.3.) I got a used bicycle from my brother Ulrich, sister in law Kathrin, sister Conny and mother Inge. While being on the Canaries I was looking much forward to finally start cycling again.
At the beginning of July I finally got the bike handed over.

I had already a training plan in my mind in order to gain more fitness for my body. Also, before starting the peace walk, I always had a bike and always loved very much riding bike. So, on first of July I starting cycling – the idea was, to ride every day 40, better 50km.
From the first day it was a joy, I loved it again.

Coming back from the peace walk in 2022, I had in my mind to get to Scandinavia for the summer, but I ended up serving in the Vipassana center in Poland for almost all the summer. So this year, I had it again in my mind to travel north. But I stayed longer on the Canaries, then I stayed with my mother while my sister’s family went to holidays. And finally I stayed in the house of Elisabeth in Worpswede, while she was in Switzerland. Also the weather was really not inviting to get somewhere from the middle of July.
So I cycled in circles. At my mother’s house, in Worpswede and finally, when I reached Angeln and Flensburg (I lived there before the peace walk).
In July I circled in the middle (incl all the break or bad weather days) almost 40km a day, in August it increased to a little over 45km a day. September has a middle until today of 65km.

Suddenly the weather, from 1st of September became more stable. After realising, this is not only for some days, I started to think, cycling in Denmark.
At the fifth of September suddenly the wind came from the east. It invited me to get to the west side of Denmark, to the North Sea. Three days later, my friend Hans had just handed over a warmer sleeping bag, which was in his house all the ten years of my walk, still with the support of the east wind, I started my journey.

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