Supporting the group

From the very soon future I want to be able to support financially everyone who comes to this group. Everyone who want to come to the group, should be able to come, even if someone has no money. If the commitment is there, this should be not a problem at all. I want to go for it. And it’s time to do so.

This is a new chapter in the history of steppps peace walk!!!!

I know univers is giving everything what we need. ‚Everything is everywhere‘, on this I contemplated a while ago for several years. And I know it’s so true!!! And I have so many examples and experiences which proved it.

The peace walk is in general a walk, were we live from that, what we get. Some other peace walkers do that also, with not exepting money or having no money, or having no own money. So everything is given. Because we walk with little money for food here or there, also taking in special occasions a cheap hotel (that’s possible in India sometimes only for 100 or maybe 400 Rupies…  1 € = 75 Rupies). … , clothes they are also mostly given….  we have some money with us. I carry some donations from some of you with me. So everything is given. And it’s all used in responsibility. It has all beauty in it.

I told Aparna yesterday evening about my plans, maybe mentioned it earlier, so it became a bit more concrete…. also by putting the first 5$ in the ‚pot to be‘. She already wanted to donate something in it…. And then I realize…. maybe a bit to quick….
In the night it continued working in my system, because from now on it would mean to take a lot of more responsibilities. …
…. because we have a rest day today, we started sharing about that topic… which is very wide…. and connected with so many other topics and concepts…..

…. in process …..
….. a good one …..

Contact and feedback

Facebook: Thomas Heinrich Schmöckel
Facebook: steppps peacewalk
Instagram: schmockelthomasheinrich
Whatsapp: +30 698 0654542
Indian Tel: 7807 254511

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