After 7 days / my biggest challenge

I have had no break day yet. Latest after tomorrow it will come.

I have to walk more km than usually when I walk. It’s again because of Visas. In Iran I get max 3 month Visa. Until the finish of the first 2 month I have to be in Mashad – also for the Afghanistan Visa. From Mashad to the border it’s again around 300km to walk.

But from Tehran to Mashad it’s, I saw a sign, 960km by car.In 54 days. So that’s really hard. And walking is mostly some km more. So for now I walked in 7 days without a break 164 km. If I make a calculation of 7 weeks (some days I leave for whatever in case) I have to do 137 km a week.

The big challenge is to be in mindfulness and presence all the time. This week I got some blisters, what is in normal cases not exceptable. My bones and mussels are hurting so when I get up it looks like a old men is getting up. When i start walking it hurts, after a while its fine, more or less.



I hope to manage with more ease and gliding in presence.

If walking is possible in Afghanistan, it’s the same challenge there. 1500km or more through the country in 3 month.


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